Go! Sports USA is proud to present the Kingsbridge National Ice Center i2i (Inline to Ice) program at P.S. 86 in the Bronx, it is one of the largest elementary schools in New York City and serves children from grades K through 6. The staff and students of this school are amazing and it's a pleasure to be able to share our love of skate sports with them through our 16 week progressive skill building program which we run twice in the fall and spring semesters. We are currently in our fourth year of operation and are coming up on 4000 students that we have taught with the i2i program alone. Beyond just skating we are most proud of the notable improvements in the students' attendance, behavior, performance and class chemistry as as result of their participation in the i2i program. A huge thank you goes out to all of the Kingsbridge staff: Kalinda Bogue, Mark Messier, and John Neary. The community of P.S. 86: it's staff, students and families. And to our Go! Sports Coaches and staff members.
Skateboarding is an incredibly fun sport, but it also has built-in components that are vital in youth development such as resilience, trial & error, and perseverance. For our Skateboard Classes we have partnered with the Harold Hunter Foundation and use their coaches and mentors to bring the sport to our students.
The Harold Hunter Foundation (HHF) is a non-profit, grassroots, skateboard community-based organization that provides support, opportunity, and advocacy for skateboarders in NYC and beyond so they can reach their full potential as skateboarders and as people. Their goal is to harness the power of skateboarding to transform lives. They use skateboarding as a vehicle to provide underserved youth with valuable life experiences that nurture individual creativity, resourcefulness, and the development of life skills. And we are incredibly proud to call HHF a most valuable collaborative partner.
We are proud to offer photography and film classes to students across the city. As skaters we grew up filming each other doing tricks and fell in love with capturing the moment, we feel that sports and media arts go hand in hand. Which is why we developed dedicated film and photography classes designed to empower our students to find who they are through the media arts. Here is a beautiful example of that at the Robert Fields elementary school in Brooklyn, our photography class there is spearheaded by world renowned pro skater turned photographer Abdiel Colberg. The students learn everything from the basics all the way to advanced photo journalism.
We have over a decade of experience in running large scale activations such as NYC Summer Streets in conjunction with the Department of Transportation. It is the largest urban green space initiative in the United States with over 300,000 participants every summer. We also work with the NYC Parks Department to bring events such as the annual Car Free NYC in Manhattan, and NYC Street Games as seen below. Allow us to work with you too, contact us today!
Go! Sports USA in collaboration with the NYC Parks Department presents the "Learn to Skate" Activation Station at the 2018 "NYC Street Games" event at Thomas Jefferson Park in East Harlem. it’s an amazing opportunity for the local community to come together and celebrate the games we all grew up playing, while teaching it to our future generations and ensuring a sense of positive tradition and camaraderie!
We also run summer programs and activations across the city in conjunction with great organizations such as the Sports And Arts In Schools Foundation shown here. Reach out to us today and let’s implement this in your community today!